52 Weeks of Color: playing catch up

So ... yeah. I've gotten behind on the 52 Weeks of Color Challenge. :P A friend of mine also proclaimed this week 'nude week' .... so here's a whole lot of colorful naked!

Week no.6 : Yellow
Skin by me, Hair by Stringer Mausoleum, Pose by Olive Juice

(Flickr link)

Week no.7 : Cerise
Skin by me, Hair by Candy Mountain, Pose by Olive Juice, Background by eskedal
 (Flickr link)

Week no.8 : Green
Skin by Sinner's Tongue, Hair by Elv'an Majik, Pose by Olive Juice, Background by Alosh Bennett
 (Flickr link)

Week no.9 : Silver
Skin by me, Hair/headdress by Stringer Mausoleum, Pose by Olive Juice
 (Flickr link)

Week no.10 : Sienna
Skin by SchismPhrenic, Hair by Black Maria, Pose by Olive Juice
 (Flickr link)

Weee, that was fun!

Also, from now on, instead of linking in my blog posts, I'm gonna stick links to stores over on the left sidebar under "directory", so if you want a slurl/link to a place I mention, check there!

<3 Rue


  1. Fun! Especially like the silver. :)

  2. Gorgeous! I may be stealing the directory idea from you for Crybaby. <3

  3. Thank you for the compliments!

    Haha the directory is just because I'm efficient aka lazy :P

  4. Your a very colourful person. Rue of a different colour!

    Love the directory idea too!

  5. Oooh I love the silver precious skin. Really sorry you didn't continue posting your stuff on the marketplace, cause I'd love to buy some of it.


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